The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is alerting Pennsylvania residents of an elevated risk of wildfires Monday across different parts of the state, including the Lower Susquehanna Valley.
In a press release, the DCNR said a combination of low relative humidity, dry fine fuels and leaf litter, along with moderate gust winds, is creating an elevated risk of wildfires across South-Central Pennsylvania, the Lower Susquehanna Valley and the Western Poconos late Monday morning through the afternoon hours.
Winds are expected to gust around 20 mph from the west to southwest, and the minimum relative humidity is in the low 20-percent range with full sunshine.
The DCNR said residents are urged to “exercise caution” in handling potential fire ignition sources, including machinery, cigarettes and matches. Officials said if dry grasses and tree litter begin to burn, fires will have the potential to spread rapidly because of the winds and humidity level. Anyone looking for more information about wildfire danger, prevention and education is asked to go to the DCNR website at

Staff writer Michael Yoder is an award-winning journalist who has been honored with several Keystone Press Awards for his investigative pieces.