On again, off again. That’s the story with the homosexual pride fest that Lititz Chooses Love wants to hold this June at Lititz Springs Park.
As reported by The Lancaster Patriot, the Lititz Moravian Church board rejected the group’s request to hold a sodomy celebration at the park this coming June. For that, we should all be thankful. However, the park board defied that decision and issued a contract to Lititz Chooses Love. It remains to be seen how the tug-of-war between the church board and the park board will end. (The park is owned by the Lititz Moravian Church, but managed by the park board.) Hopefully, the church board will stand their ground and prevent the celebration of sin from taking centerstage in downtown Lititz.
A Christian outreach conducted at the pride event in Lititz Springs Park last year was cited as one of the reasons for the church board’s decision to direct the park board to deny the festival this year. That outreach, conducted by Independence Reformed Bible Church, generated mischaracterizations and unfounded accusations, including a false claim by LNP|LancasterOnline that a church member carried a sign which said “Burn Gays.”
Furthermore, in citing the outreach as part of their decision to reject Lititz Chooses Love’s request for the park, the Lititz Moravian church board labelled the outreach as a “repulsive and potentially dangerous protest.”
At the same time, the church board said the pride event itself contained “grossly inappropriate” behavior, including a drag performance “in a program billed as a family event suitable for young children.”
It is true that the Lititz Moravian Church has been apostate for some time, having embraced homosexuality in principle. And yet, it appears the Lititz Chooses Love’s event went too far even for them, with the board noting that “it was observed that a pair of presenters mocked certain Christian beliefs and the Holy Bible.” (Newsflash for the church board: When you teach your people to reject the Bible’s teaching on sexuality and 2,000 years of church history, pride fests are what you get. The naivety strains credulity.)
Perhaps the real reason the church board doesn’t want the pride event is because they know it will lead to another outreach in Lititz (this time with even more Christian men) and more “negative” media attention for their quaint town.
But concerning the “repulsive” outreach and the “grossly inappropriate” pride event – which is it? The church board acknowledged the event was not just inappropriate, but “grossly” inappropriate and yet the Christian witness of a dozen men opposing the event are the “repulsive” ones? The church board’s worldview is a hopelessly contradictory quagmire.
The outreach was certainly not dangerous. The homosexual and transgender worldview, however, is.
I was at the outreach and witnessed firsthand the soul-destroying indoctrination being pushed on our county’s youth. I spoke with several high school age attendees of the event and was struck by their utter inability to consider anything other than the demonic propaganda being pushed by groups like Lititz Chooses Love and our county’s government schools. One young man allegedly said he would kill himself if his “sex change” operation did not bring him happiness.
But the Christian message of repentance from sin and forgiveness in Christ is “repulsive”? Well, to the spiritually dead, like the board of the Lititz Moravian Church, it certainly is. As the Apostle Paul said, the gospel is “an aroma from death to death” to those who are perishing (2 Cor. 2:16).
In addition to the outreach at the Lititz pride event, I also joined pastor Joel Saint and some other men for an outreach to the pride festival held at Clipper Magazine Stadium last June. During both outreaches, I listened to confused high school students express the fruit of government indoctrination and narcissistic social media. I saw grown adults visibly angry at my presence, including one man who violated any semblance of a “personal space” to get in my face and tell me how wrong I was to publicly oppose his public celebration of sin.
And one of the saddest things to witness was that young children were shuffled into a park or a stadium to celebrate the sin of sodomy and the destruction of the created order. I distinctly remember the tears of a friend and fellow Christian at the outreach as he witnessed children in strollers pushed into the pit of hell, as it were. We all should have such a visceral reaction to the public celebration of debauchery and the perversion of our county’s youth.
Also concerning was the notable lack of Christian opposition in Lancaster County to these prideful, pagan, destruction-inviting festivals. Hundreds and hundreds of people attended both iniquitous events, but the Christian counter presence was minimal by comparison. One event saw less than a dozen Christian men stand in opposition. Another (the one in Lititz) garnered a bit more: over a dozen Christian men standing in the gap for the county.
However, it is worth noting that, in the case of the Lititz event, just a handful of faithful men made a big enough impact to play a part in swaying the board’s decision to attempt to reject the sin-fest from happening in Lititz Springs Park again.
And so, I am thankful for both turnouts, and am confident they had some sort of impact, with or without the event being cancelled.
But unless more Christians stand up, our pagan neighbors will regroup and seek to bring about the destruction of our county with renewed vigor.
The book of Proverbs is, naturally, full of wisdom. One theme found throughout those divine maxims is the blessings the godly bring to society, often juxtaposed with the adverse effects of the wicked.
Here are a few examples. “When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish there are shouts of gladness” (Prov. 11:10). “By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is overthrown” (Prov. 11:11). “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Prov. 29:2).
And here is a poignant one: “Scoffers set a city aflame, but the wise turn away wrath” (Prov. 29:8).
The Bible is not shy about this: the haughty sin of scoffers and reprobates brings judgment, destruction, and death to society.
In fact, the Lord even reigned down fire from heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah because the outcry against them was great and “their sin [was] very grave” (Gen. 18:20).
Indeed, scoffers set a city aflame.
The fire from heaven falling on our communities today might not be of the sulfuric variety, but it is no less devastating. Actually, it might be worse. For how much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the ones who spurn Christ after 2,000 years of Christian influence and progress?
God giving over a community to “the lusts of their hearts” (Rom. 1:24) is no less frightening than a fiery downpour. In fact, I’d prefer the latter.
Our pride festivals and drag queen story hours are far worse than anything that happened in Sodom, if for no other reason than that we have been given far more blessings in the form of a Christian heritage.
God is not mocked, and the scoffers still set a city aflame by their pompous fist raising to their Maker.
To put it in the modern vernacular, the perverts at Lititz Chooses Love and Lancaster Pride are setting Lancaster County aflame. And the Christians are, largely, sitting back and watching it burn.
The Christians among us are the only ones that can, by the grace of God, avert the wrath such festivals invite. We alone have the message of reconciliation, and the love of Christ compels us to implore our sodomy-celebrating neighbors: “be reconciled to God” (cf. 2 Cor. 5: 14, 20).
The love of Christ compels us to love our neighbors by speaking out against the sin of sodomy, rather than remaining silent as sodomites invite God’s judgment not just on their own heads, but on all of us and our children. Do we not love our neighbors enough to warn them of the wrath to come? Do we not love our neighbors enough to seek to turn away the wrath that is being poured out on our county? Do we not love our children enough to attempt to douse the flames?
Summer is coming, and there will unfortunately be sodomy celebrations in our county, including one at the Lancaster County Convention Center on June 17.
Once again, Christians will have the opportunity to stand against this perversion, for the sake of those trapped in the sin, and for the sake of our children who will come after us.
Will 100 men from among the thousands of professing Christians in Lancaster County stand in the gap, or will it simply be a dozen men again this year?
If you are interested in being involved in Christian opposition to these events in Lancaster County this June, please visit irbc.church/StopPride for more information. Be involved via prayer, support, or outreach. Otherwise, I guess we can all just sit back and watch the scoffers set our county aflame.

Chris Hume is the host of The Lancaster Patriot Podcast and the author of several books, including Seven Statist Sins. He can be reached at info@thelancasterpatriot.com.
I don’t think I have ever read such unchristian article. I think I remember God saying we should love and accept everyone. I think I remember Jesus healing sinners including woman of sin. All this article talks about is hate and damnation. The writer forgets to tell the reader that at last years pride parade ,there was a handful of people passing out pamphlets about abortion and very nasty pictures and targeting young people . No wonder the young were and are confused. I think the writer needs to take a very good look at himself.
What do you mean by “love and accept everyone”? You might recall Jesus told those he healed, “Go and sin no more.” That doesn’t sound very “accepting” of sinful lifestyles. Was that “unchristian”?
It’s weird. The straight men in my life spend their time thinking about vaginas, not about gays, lesbians and transgendered folks.