A sly grin, covered in lipstick, stretched out from the Marxist-Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, as she signed another red flag gun bill into law. The law grants judges the power to confiscate firearms from anyone that is deemed a risk (according to the law, including accusations by “former dating partners”) Michigan joined Minnesota this week to enact red flag laws pushed by Democrat led legislatures and signed by Democrat governors.
This push is happening everywhere Democrats have “weasled” their way into the chambers of state legislatures across the country. Look no further, my friends, than right here in Pennsylvania. This week a “red flag” bill (H.B. 1018, “Red flag” firearm seizure bill) reminiscent of the bill passed in Michigan, narrowly squeaked through the House 102-99. Its razor-thin success was attributed to two Republicans who crossed party lines, voting with the Democrats.
These two turncoat Republicans (both from Bucks County) include: Kathleen (K.C.) Tomlinson (District 18) and Joe Hogan (District 142).
As the bill now moves on to the Republican-controlled Senate, you might just want to consider calling your Republican Senator to make sure that they aren’t holding hands and skipping to work with the Democrats.
Let’s not kid ourselves here, if there was no opposition, if the Democrats were left to their own demise, all firearms would be confiscated from the citizenry. But because of the Second Amendment, and some organizations and leaders standing in the way, their utopia vision of firearms brandished by only the “ruling class” remains just outside of their power-thirsty grasp.
So what are they doing?
They are incrementally encroaching on gun ownership. They are intentionally soft on gun crime, allowing and fortifying criminality to flourish. As crime rises and more shootings are happening nationally, their propaganda media then amplifies the violence as something that needs to be immediately addressed. Not addressed by the detainment and prosecution of criminals mind you, but repetitiously screeching of the need for politicians to draft more laws that restrict honest citizens of their ability to protect themselves and their families.
After watching how the FBI has been politically weaponized and the Justice system used to destroy political opponents- is it really that far-fetched to imagine red flag laws being abused? What if someone doesn’t like what I write, so one day from their safe space they decide to report me as a threat? Now – despite the fact that I’m a harmless, loveable teddy bear – a political activist judge may just rule in favor of confiscating my weapons.
At this point you may be thinking to yourself, “C’mon Charles, the Democrat politicians just care about the safety of our children.” Really? Let me ask you this: If the politicians really cared about the safety of our children, then why wouldn’t they craft legislation that directly protects them?
There are approximately 131,000 K-12 public and private schools throughout America. The federal government could create legislation or fund state legislatures to have an armed officer at every school, pay them an annual salary of $70,000.
The funding would cost roughly $9.17 billion a year.
This is a pragmatic solution.
If this sounds too expensive, contrast and compare that to the $120 billion we are throwing at Ukraine for a war they cannot win.
My point here is that they never directly attempt to solve the problem. They use the problem as emotional leverage, amplified by their controlled media, to infringe upon the rights of honest, free Americans and further their political agenda of unfettered power and control.
Charles Stouff lives in Pequea and is a lifelong resident of Lancaster County. He is the owner of A+PC LLC, a computer services company and also serves as a township supervisor in Martic Township.
In view of the rising wave of school shootings this year, I’m surprised that the best you can come up with is bad-mouthing the democrats for trying to limit the access of deranged people to firearms. At least they’re trying! Why not a ban on AR-15’s and similar weapons of war?
Instead, you want us to ante up and put armed guards in any schools that don’t have them already. Why should we – while the NRA and gun industry should be paying for them? And even with an armed guard, multiple cops and Texas Rangers on the scene, 21 kids and people were killed at the elementary school in Uvalde.
This is the only western country with more guns than people. And the only country with a rising tide of mass shootings. Think about it, and think about saving kids lives.
Hello Fran,
I very much appreciate you taking the time to voice your dissent of my opinion. If the people do not actually sit down and start discussing their differences in a reasonable way, we will continue to see this chasm of hostility grow deeper and wider between our people.
Like all Americans, I’m sickened and completely heartbroken whenever kids are killed anywhere. School shootings are a serious problem that needs to be immediately remedied. Taking away or infringing upon the right to bear arms from honest, free Americans is not the solution. First of all, it doesn’t work. Chicago and New York City(for example) have some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and yet murder and gun crimes are completely out of control. Innocent families who obey the laws can not walk the streets at night because it is so dangerous in these “Gun-Free cities “. Thanks to the anti-gun legislation passed by democrats in these specific regions- fathers have completely lost their right to strap a 9mm to their backs and protect their family. Yet criminals are armed to the teeth because they do not adhere to the law. Only the good and reasonable citizens follow the law. Criminals will always find a way to commit crimes and crazy people will always do crazy things.
But, yes, we must be proactive here. I kind of like your idea about gun manufacturers and gun organizations sponsoring armed guards at schools.
Here’s another idea: how about all of the police departments move their precincts into the schools?
That’s two pragmatic solutions that some “nobody” from Pequea, Pennsylvania was able to come up with. Why can’t the politicians find a pragmatic solution to directly protect our kids? Writing words on bills and hanging “gun free zone” signs around schools isn’t doing anything.
My whole point was that these democrat(and some republican) policies are aimed at a larger ideological strategy of disarming the population or at least those who stand in their way of promoting a Marxist-style society.
The kids and tragic events are being used by these corrupt politicians as tools, political pawns- amplified by your favorite cable news station, to emotionally manipulate the populace into disarming honest Americans.
In a perfect world where politicians were honest, the FBI wasn’t transformed into a political secret police, and justice was blind- red flag laws may be useful and practical. Unfortunately, Fran, this isn’t the reality of the world we are faced with.
By the way, if you sent an army into war with AR15s- they would be completely annihilated within minutes.
You should start thinking for youself instead of regurgitating the misinformation continually being spewed out by the progressive media. The AR-15 is NOT a weapon of war. It is a semi-automatic rifle that functions in the same way as any semi-automatic rifle or pistol. Military rifles can be fired in fully automatic configuration, an AR-15 CAN NOT. The AR does not stand for automatic rifle. It represents the name of the company initially designed it, Armalite, hence the designation AR. Guns don’t fire themselves. The evil/demented individual is responsible for all murders and will use whatever means is available to accomplish their goal. Take the time to check actual FBI murder statistics and ypu will find that guns are not the top weapon used in murders and semi-automatic rifles are way down the list in firearms used in murders. People who murder should never be released from prison, no matter what type of weapon is used. Unfortunately, our progressive legal system allows killers to be released from prison sometimes after they have only served a few years of their sentence.
You, like many others, refuses to recognize that our governmemt has been taken over by tyrants who want to strip us of not only our 2nd amendment rights but also to destroy our consitutional republic in it’s entireity.
As I understand it, the FBI issues reports showing that firearms are used in the United States upwards of two million times a year to not only defend against violent crime, but in some cases to prevent crime from occurring in the first place.
I have asked more than one gun-control politician about these statistics, which far exceed the number of deaths caused by criminals using guns, and have never received anything more than a disinterested, non-response. And I doubt I ever will.
We hear all the time about “reasonable gun control”, but like “weapons of war”, this is all just dishonest, marketing “sizzle”. Wouldn’t you think that any kind of reasonable would also be interested in the positives about guns ? Such as, why is it that an increasing number of women are choosing the AR-15 as a home defense weapon ? Or why doesn’t “reasonable gun control” encourage gun possession as an effective means of preventing crime ? Omigosh, maybe all of those decent, God-fearing, NRA members aren’t domestic terrorists after all !
Don’t hold your breath.
We are blessed by God to have the Second Amendment, fortunate to have freedom loving organizations like the NRA helping us to defend it from the dystopian bigotry of gun control.
Erik, thank you for your comment. You made some great points full of logic and sound reasoning. Keep asking the questions, my brother.