In a recent Lord’s Day sermon, my pastor (Joel Saint) pointed out that even though nefarious forces continue apace to demolish the family unit, society cannot exist without the paternal head. The question is not if there will be husbands; the question is who the husband will be.
I have often lamented that our nation is a Nanny State, wherein the government looks over our shoulder to tell us what we can eat, drink, build, and sell. This is certainly true, and worthy of doleful lamentation. But we are also a Sugar Daddy State: the state has increasingly sought to appropriate the role of husband and father.
Whereas the Nanny State nitpicks and micromanages, the Sugar Daddy State promises to provide you with all you need. In truth, you can hardly have one without the other.
The anthropomorphic appellations for the two sides of the socialistic coin have a basis in the truth of God’s created order. In other words, the maternal and paternal roles the state assumes for itself are good roles (when limited to the family). The Nanny is the maternal figure – and there is indeed a place for such motherly micromanaging (e.g., the home full of infants and toddlers). Every mother knows that her two-year-old child is prone to eat anything he gets his hands on, USDA-approved or otherwise. And the concept of a Sugar Daddy dispensing gifts for the sexual favors of loose women is simply a demonic perversion of the godly man who faithfully provides for and protects his wife, and no doubt thoroughly enjoys his conjugal rights and is “ravished always with her love” (cf. Proverbs 5:18-19).
The family is the rightful place for such motherly care and paternal provision. But the state (civil government) has attacked the family, perhaps most notably the role of the husband, by seeking to become the father and husband of the people. (The concept of “Big Brother” is an example of this paternalistic fraud.)
There is a common response I hear to my pleas that the civil government get out of the business of education and social welfare: “Well, it would be nice if the family did these things, then it wouldn’t be necessary for the government to do them.”
My dear friends, the humanistic state is ten steps ahead of us.
The rise of the welfare state (carrying on even here in Lancaster County – as the recent $4M going to government-funded affordable housing projects attests to) was not primarily a reactive one, but a proactive one. What I mean is that the thinking behind the socialistic, humanistic statists ran thus: “If we can assume for ourselves all the things the family is supposed to do, the family will no longer be necessary.” And fitting for such deceptive cons was their next ruse: “The only reason we have to provide for you is because the family wasn’t doing a good job.”
We’ve been hoodwinked.
The state is not waiting for the family to do these things better (provision, protection, housing, etc.). They don’t want the family to do those things. They want to do those things themselves, thus making the state supreme and the family unnecessary.
Concubines of the State
It is not good for man to be alone (cf. Genesis 2:18). Indeed, “whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing” (Proverbs 18:22). I, for one, can attest to that. A wife brings innumerable things into the home that her husband is incapable of – not least of which is the magnificent calling of bearing and rearing children.
Just as man is meant to be with a woman, it is not good for the woman to be without a man. God’s design is that women are under the leadership and protection of their father, and then their husband. A man’s duties include protection and provision for his family. Women and children need this.
But feminists, like the fallen angels of Jude, kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation as submissive daughters and wives, and have cast both themselves and our society into the gloomy darkness.
When a society rejects the role of the husband in the family, they will soon look for a replacement. Yes, the Sugar Daddy State will “take care” of them, in exchange for an abusive relationship and the favor of these women aborting their offspring so the state doesn’t have to skimp on their housing allowances and stimulus checks.
The rise of feminism and the “liberation” of women has brought with it an increase in social welfare. The women’s suffrage movement seems to have coincided with the meteoric rise of the Welfare State. And, unsurprisingly, the Democratic (Socialist) Party is carried by one voting bloc: unmarried women.
Biden was correct to thank “all the single ladies” for election victories. Single ladies now betrothed to the state.
The feminist delusion is widespread.
Government subsidies abound to provide housing for those in need.
Welfare programs have replaced the breadwinning husband.
And police forces now exist to provide “protection” – a role that godly men in a free society would no sooner relinquish than they would give up their guns. The emasculated, on the other hand, are happy to: “We don’t need strong men – fathers and husbands – to protect us, we have the state.” Here’s the contrast: whereas a godly man doesn’t ask for money to protect his wife and children, the state does. The state is not the shepherd of the people – it cares nothing for the sheep – it is a cold mercenary who will only offer token protection when its tax revenues warrant it.
It’s time for a change. It’s time for Americans to leave their Sugar Daddy. It’s time to bid adieu to our Nanny. It’s time for America’s women to act like women – embracing their femininity and rebuffing the perverted advances of the state. It’s time for America’s men to act like men – offering the protection and provision women need.
And it’s almost time for my family dinner – that glorious event that the state bastardizes by taking from men the duty of providing and by seducing women away from the blessing of keeping house for a husband – and so I sign off with the hope that the children gathering around our dinner tables will learn about how the world should operate, not from the welfare state around us, but from our example and from God’s perfect Law-Word.
Chris Hume is the host of The Lancaster Patriot Podcast and the author of several books, including Seven Statist Sins. He can be reached at
I am a successful retired man who ran a family owned company until I sold it.
Over the years, I steadily increased the hourly salaries of my works since minimum wage no longer worked. As a side note, most families earning minimum wage receive government assistance which really is corporate assistance paid by taxpayers. If we raised the minimum wage people could earn a living. This is my conspiracy theory-the government, and what you call deep state interests had done all they could to keep white and black people as enemies. Dr. King realized this.
Before you reject me as a far left zealot, think about it.
I grew up poor and white and my family believed it was Black people holding them back.
Instead white kids embrace aspects of Black culture, like hip-hop and clothing. Also early pregnancy.
Being poor in America is not easy especially with the lack of compassion in America. With healthcare, many red states refused to accept healthcare 90% paid by the Government.
Mississippi wants to end state tax but the capital city, Jackson, still does not have drinkable water.
South Dakota will not accept government money, claiming one a government program is funded the state is stuck with it. Since the program is for network security and South Dakota is in the area where China has been spying and buying property while continuing stealing American data, this will never go away. Shows you the quality of people who are paid by the government. This was not a Kristi Noem statement it was made by her PR person.
We continue dealing with China. Why? So Amazon can outsource the crap they sell. Putin has supporters in congress. Why? Real leaders like Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon are spinning in their graves.
If the moderates on both sides do not meet and find common interests our country is finished. The far left is a group of anti-semitic loons and who with bankrupt the economy because Bernie want everything now, not phased in and the right will not compromise-absolutely against the American way-and many have views right out of the playbook for dictators.
And don’t mention “Woke”. What does that mean? Mostly on both sides we disagree so we call each other names.
Finally Donald J Trump…20 years ago family members who have a multi-million dollar company ended up going years before getting paid. So, they used another well known criminal organization to get paid 70% of what they were owed.
No courts, just street justice.
I may not agree with you but at least consider what I’m saying. The future of America is at stake.