The Lancaster Patriot investigative journalist Michael Yoder reported last week that Planned Parenthood is aiming for a comeback to Lancaster County.
The lamentable return of Planned Parenthood to Lancaster County represents the advance of pagan nationalism and the millennia-old practice of sacrificing children for narcissistic gain.
That abortion is viewed as a religious ritual is evident to any perceptive observer. In May, Fox News reported that the Satanic Temple argued its adherents should be permitted religious exceptions to perform religious abortion rituals in states that have put up barriers to abortion. An Aug. 4 episode of Apologia Radio highlighted a popular video showing a Do-It-Yourself Child Sacrifice ritual, involving candles, an altar, and abortion pills. And one progressive Florida synagogue has argued that anti-abortion laws infringe on religious liberty.
But even among less overt abortion zealots, the religious connotations of abortion are manifest. Abortion is viewed as a sacred prerogative—the “right” to choose life or death for your baby is viewed as a heavenly mandate.
None of this is new.
Child sacrifice was a common practice in pagan cultures, including ancient Canaan and Carthage. The idea was this: if parents offered up their children to a fiery deity, they would be blessed with bountiful crops, good fortune, and financial prosperity. Give up the child, reap the benefits.
Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
The mantra of pagan nationalists at Planned Parenthood is the same today: “Give up your child to the abortion goddess, and you will be blessed. You will be free to enjoy life. You will have more money to spend on yourself. You will not be cursed with a child.”
One of the most common pagan gods of antiquity was Molech, a bull-headed idol who would receive wriggling babies into his outstretched arms over a fire whilst beating drums drowned out the victims’ cries.
We’ve cleaned things up a bit, but Molech-worshippers would be proud of us, nonetheless. Babies are sacrificed, their protestations not drowned out by banging drums, but by the sterile façade of a pharmacy or Planned Parenthood.
Molech worship is still with us. And Planned Parenthood is intent to bring the pagan ceremonies to Lancaster County.
Death by Pharmaceuticals
Life begins at conception. The American College of Pediatricians, forced to follow the science, confirmed this in a March 2017 article: “The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature.”
This is, of course, consistent with the biblical teaching that God creates life in the womb (cf. Jeremiah 1:5).
The pernicious ploy of pharmaceutical firms and phony politicians is to deny this incontrovertible reality in order to present “morning after pills” as something other than abortifacients.
The FDA acknowledges the truth: “If fertilization does occur, Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb (implantation).” In other words, Plan B (the most infamous “morning after pill”) can cause the abortion of a human life.
It is important to note that these murder capsules are readily available throughout Lancaster County already, with or without a pagan death center operating in Lancaster.
In truth, God’s judgment on our county is already in progress: forced taxation, socialist education, sodomy fests, and over-the-counter abortions. The return of Planned Parenthood to Lancaster is not the beginning of God’s judgment on our county, it is closer to the crescendo.
The new death clinic Planned Parenthood wants to open will offer abortion via pills, up to 11 weeks after a woman’s last period. “Morning after pills” are generally only effective for five days after sex.
Republican control of the county has done little to stem the tide of unbiblical and ungodly practices, leading to more wickedness and more perversion. Most Republicans are quick to call for “exceptions” that would allow abortion. But the sins of rape and incest do not justify the murder of a baby. And many “high-risk” situations do have options available that attempt to save both lives. (But would we expect a culture of death to be interested in saving the baby’s life? Instead of honing life-saving techniques, woke medical experts are perfecting the craft of Josef Mengele on confused teenagers. What a waste of talent. And lives.)
The solution is not more bland Republican leadership, unwilling to stand on the authority of God’s Law-Word; the solution is repentance, regeneration, and a commitment to applying biblical law (not “conservativism”) to society.
How to Utterly Destroy a County
Notwithstanding the aforementioned fact that God’s judgment has already fallen upon our county, there is an option to take that judgment into warp speed: bring a pagan, murder mill into our county and set up Molech worship right here.
Matt Kenitzer, Senior Pastor of St. John’s Reformed Church in Schuylkill County told The Lancaster Patriot that when Planned Parenthood enters a county, the restraint against evil is lowered, “because now murder for self-purpose is easy to get to and the purpose of the Law of God to restrain wickedness in society is neglected, which will deprive people of the true gospel.”
“It has a numbing effect on the community,” said Kenitzer. The promotion of the culture of death and “the murder market of baby slaughter” leads to serious, long-term damage in the county, he said.
Clearly, the entering in of a Planned Parenthood death clinic will only mean more destruction and pain for our county. For that reason, it must be earnestly opposed.
Ultimately, our only hope is the preaching of the gospel and the blessing of God upon that preaching. Revival meetings, “signs” and “wonders,” and religiosity will do nothing to change the culture. It is true gospel-preaching, attended by the Spirit of God, that will bring about regeneration and repentance in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls, in our county. Then, the Law-Word of God, written on their hearts, will be raised as the standard of righteousness that all people must follow. Then, the noxious idea of a death clinic anywhere near our county will be abhorred and resisted.
Chris Hume is the host of The Lancaster Patriot Podcast and the author of several books, including Seven Statist Sins. He can be reached at
Amen. Christ is King.
Amen. Well said.
Wow, you really do NOT understand ANYTHING you’re talking about do you? Your ideas are not only extremist but wrong on SO many levels! First off, Fox News is a Right-Wing nutjob mouthpiece and not credible reporting in the least! Secondly, the SATANIST (not Pagan, do your homework!) who was claiming a “religious abortion ritual” was not only misquoted (as is OFTEN the case on extreme Right-Wing/Left-Wing media) but they were simply trying to protect their own people’s access to necessary health care services in the wake of a truly disturbing striking down of federal protections of Women’s Health!
Believe in the religion you want, I have no problem with that, but DON’T sit there and bad-mouth others that you DO NOT UNDERSTAND in the slightest! I’d say, “Do your research” but I know that you will do nothing more than look up a few anecdotes on heavily skewed websites that continue to uphold your own worldviews while demonizing others.
I know this will be scrubbed from your website comments section because it disagrees with your views, but hopefully, you’ll actually see it and hear what a fellow human has to say despite your own blindness.