I suspect there were many Germans who wrote off claims that men like Josef Mengele were performing unthinkable surgeries on people.
Perhaps they would have even criticized those who made such accusations.
But history has shown that Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death, did indeed carry out what were once considered unthinkable atrocities, perhaps even including attempted “sex change” operations.
Not surprisingly, most of Mengele’s “patients” were likely children.
One might wonder how people today would react if men following in the footsteps of Mengele started to attempt similar things upon the youth of America.
As it turns out, one need not wonder. Mengele’s heirs are here – and they mean business.
(It should be noted that even the Nazis might have opposed the modern reason for such butchery – namely sodomy and transgenderism, things Hitler evidently opposed – but other similarities exist, including carving up bodies, sexual abuse, and sterilizations. Another reminder that, in the end, all paths other than Christ lead to death and destruction.)
Here’s one case in point: several years ago, then 13-year-old Chloe Cole began to “transition” from a girl to a boy under the “care” of Kaiser Permanente hospitals in California. In addition to taking life-altering puberty-blockers, when Cole was only 15 years old the adults in charge of her had her breasts completely removed via a double mastectomy.
The sane among us hardly blame Cole, now 18, for suing Kaiser Permanente.
“I have been emotionally and physically damaged and stunted by so-called medical professionals in my most important developmental period,” Cole said. “I was butchered by an institution that we trust more than anything else in our lives.”
If he could, Mengele would be smiling from the pit of hell. He conducted his butchery in secret, but Kaiser Permanente can broadcast it on their website for the world to see.
Or consider the horrific child abuse that Jazz Jennings underwent. As an eleven-year-old boy, his parents put him in the national spotlight to be the face of “transgenderism.”
Jennings is now in his twenties and his vile mother continues to profit off her son via a reality TV show. In one episode, she fumes about how upset she will be if her son does not maintain his fake vagina while away from home – because if not maintained, the faux vagina (essentially an open wound in his pelvic area) will close.
Obviously, Jennings’ life is a complete wreck and he apparently recently suffered further complications during a surgery related to the construction of said fake vagina (also known as “transfeminine bottom surgery”).
Jennings is a mess, but his mother is the monster – a veritable Jezebel who profits from the butchering of her own son.
Due to their ideological commitments, supporters of the transgender movement cannot outright reject the removal of breasts from 15-year-old girls or the construction of faux genitalia. At most, they try to ignore these horror stories. But why should they? This is the logical conclusion of their movement, and if they do reject these “gender-affirming” surgeries, they would be undermining the foundation of their movement – namely, the claim that we can decide, at whatever age, how we identify and how we “express” our sexuality.
But some of them still recognize that Mengele was the bad guy, and this stuff is perverted, and so they try to sweep it under the rug and change the subject. Their tactics have become rote.
“Why are you so obsessed with sexual organs?” they huff.
Well, if doctors, media personalities, and local perverts weren’t encouraging young girls to get their boobs sliced off, we wouldn’t be making a fuss about this.
But they are.
Or they will try this one: “That sort of thing doesn’t happen in the LGBTQ+ community, it is an affirming and loving community.”
However, one cannot fail to notice the T in the ever-increasing abbreviation. Not only do such things “happen” in this “community,” it is the ideology of the movement that provides the basis for such senseless surgeries.
Honestly, this is straightforward stuff. But when Christians point it out, the transvestites get their collective genital-tucking panties in a bunch.
Here is something else that is straightforward: the work of Mengele, Kaiser Permanente, and Jennings’ mom is that of the devil – namely, stealing, killing, and destroying.
They steal the innocence of young boys and girls and destroy their futures. And the sky-high suicide rate among people like Jennings is undoubtedly due to the utterly asinine decisions that adults are encouraging (and often forcing) them to make.
Thankfully, there is hope and a path toward healing – a path that Cole seems to be on. But as long as monsters like Mrs. “Jezebel” Jennings and the butchers at Kaiser Permanente remain at-large, more youth will be abused in unspeakable ways.
Closer to home for me, Lititz Chooses Love president Parker Webb is pushing the same narrative among the youth in Pennsylvania. Webb publicly stated that once children “hit puberty, puberty blockers may be an option,” and she (trying my level best with these pronouns) recently encouraged minors to attend a homosexual book discussion without their parents.
Last year, Webb shared an infographic on Facebook claiming that 98.4% of “transgender people expressed NO REGRETS about transitioning” and an “extremely low prevalence of regret in transgender patients after [gender-affirmation] surgery.”
This is not simply about Webb living out her “version” of herself – this is about intentionally attracting minors into a movement that is inextricably linked to an ideology that praises parents for using their children as icons of transgenderism, robbing them of puberty and preventing them from a normal life.
It is sick and twisted beyond my capacity to wordsmith.
So, while teenage girls are getting their breasts hacked off, young men are getting fake vaginas carved into their groins, and puberty-blockers are being promoted among youth in Lancaster County, some people were very upset because some Christians had the audacity to loudly and publicly remonstrate against a movement that brings nothing but confusion, despair, and destruction to all it touches.
I can only imagine if a street preacher stood outside Mengele’s office. The “affirming” passersby would shake their heads in disgust at such a hateful bigot.
But Christians do not hate the people trapped in Webb’s web anymore than we would those under Mengele’s “care.” Furthermore, we even desire that those promoting such wickedness (even Webb and Jennings’ mom) would turn from their sin and find forgiveness in Jesus Christ.
But Christians aren’t the ones these people will answer to on Judgment Day.
The One they will answer to, however, truly does “hate all workers of iniquity” (Psalm 5:5), and His disposition toward people like Mengele, Webb, and Jennings’ mother is manifest: “Yahweh tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates” (Psalm 11:5).

Chris Hume is the host of The Lancaster Patriot Podcast and the author of several books, including Seven Statist Sins. He can be reached at info@thelancasterpatriot.com.
Excellent, Chris, you have encapsulated the “sinful insanity” of apostles of transgender advocate parents making harmful decisions for children.
not sure what to say here, maybe on should look at the churches in the US for such crazed perversions…