A well-aimed critique is only effective if the thing doing said aiming can deliver the payload.
Gays Against Groomers – a group who defines themselves as “a nonprofit organization of gays against the sexualization, indoctrination and medicalization of children under the guise of LGBTQIA+” – are correct to oppose the sexualization, indoctrination, and medicalization of children in the name of the ever-increasing alphabet soup of sexual deviancy.
However, they lack the ability to offer any logical opposition to those problems.
In other words, their ideological gun is firing blanks.
Far from applauding or platforming Gays Against Groomers (whom I will henceforth refer to as GAG), conservatives need to realize that the ideology behind the group is what makes for a slippery cliff face of sin and deviancy.
The GAG website says, “Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years.”
Actually, the truth is that your “community” hasn’t been hijacked; it’s merely finishing what you started.
GAG wants homosexuality to be loved and accepted, but not pushed via “extreme concepts onto society”? That is mission impossible, even for Ethan Hunt. It cannot happen because homosexuality, by its very nature, is an extreme concept (that will inevitably target children).
GAG wants to oppose sexual deviancy while standing on a foundation of sexual deviancy.
As the Lord said, a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit (Matthew 7:18). And make no mistake: GAG is corrupt to its core, having rejected Jesus Christ and embraced the sin of homosexuality (cf. Matthew 19:4; Romans 1:26-27).
Those people involved in GAG who wanted homosexuality accepted in this nation are culpable for the increased sexual perversion that is now occurring. If biblical marriage can be cast aside in the name of “love” and “acceptance,” then why not cast aside every other sexual norm built upon the Christian worldview?
GAG claims that their “goal was to successfully integrate ourselves into society, but now these radicals aim to restructure [society] entirely in order to accommodate a fringe minority, as well as seek to indoctrinate children into their ideology.”
Newsflash GAG: the only way you could “integrate” yourselves into society was by radically restructuring society (abandoning the nation’s Christian heritage in the process). And, as should be manifest to everyone, training the next generation is vital for any societal transformation – for good or for ill.
Does anyone actually think that GAG is against targeting young people? Will the GAG board endorse the biblical teaching of sexuality to young people? Or will they argue for some sort of imagined neutrality where kids are left to “decide for themselves” what to believe about homo sex and perversion?
Catechizing of children is inevitable. The only question is what doctrine will be taught. Will it be the sexual waywardness of GAG or will it be the Christian faith?
GAG has done the very thing it now accuses the “extremists” of – namely, restructure society into an anti-Christian culture.
GAG merits no applause, no platform, and no approbation. They merit only a strong rebuke in the name of the Lord and a summons to repent and believe in Christ.
And Christian “conservatives” should lovingly deliver that rebuke – that is, if they care more about honoring Christ than they do about getting a few more sodomite votes for the Republican Party.
Chris Hume is the host of The Lancaster Patriot Podcast and the author of several books, including Seven Statist Sins. He can be reached at info@thelancasterpatriot.com.
I agree completely with Mr. Hume.