And the men of power divided the masses, separating them into smaller tribes based upon the pigment colors of their skin. The controlled and scripted propaganda was used as a weapon by the men of power, a tool to turn the tribes upon one another. And as the tribes clawed, screamed and waged wars with each other, the men of power were able to effectively and efficiently siphon the resources from their land.
But then something unexpected began to happen.
As the men of power pillaged the treasury and depleted the resources and conditions around the tribes, the propaganda began to lose its effectiveness and the tribes began to come together, realizing that the greater enemy, who wished them all harm, was intentionally causing the division and chaos with the sole purpose of having complete dominion over them all.
When I was a kid growing up in the 80s, our teachers and the American culture in general were adopting and conveying the message of “being colorblind,” seeing beyond skin color and focusing on the person instead of the pigment.
Wow! How things have changed in such a relatively short period of time.
What happened?
While we were all watching the Cosby Show and listening to Whitney Houston, an amazing cultural transformation began to covertly transpire that would dramatically impact the following generations, and we didn’t even see it coming. “Progressive Politics” began to slither into our universities and public schools, it methodically oozed its way onto our televisions and newspapers.
Were we all starting to get along? Is that what began to frighten the Marxists, who covertly posed as politicians, professors, and journalists, into adopting and implementing a new strategy?
The meaning of words such as diversity, tolerance and hate began to be redefined. History was distorted and changed. “Patriotism” became a negative thing while “Transgenderism” was somehow championed as something honorable.
False narratives and fake stories have resurrected racism where it didn’t belong, where it didn’t exist.
Buzz phrases such as “white privilege” and “people of color” were created to get our focus back on skin color and divide us once again. Being colorblind is no longer encouraged. Victimization is proudly on display like a Medal of Honor by so many people who have allowed it to define them.
Free speech is fought against. Free thought is discouraged. The words “racism” and “racist” are used by those who have been brainwashed by identity politics, describing all dissenting opinions and falsely labeling all who disagree.
“Systemic Racism” also referred to as “Institutional Racism” are relatively new terms that seem to be blueprints taken directly out of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. The definition of these terms demonizes the entire American system and impugns society itself as inherently racist in nature. So much as the economic structure in Marxism must be purged, so also must the entire social structure be overturned and reshaped. The dark historical truth, however, of what transpires when communism arises from the ashes of self-destruction is a powerful ruling class and the helpless peasants who live in complete impoverished slavery to their godless ruling masters.
While God’s goodness and sovereignty will ultimately prevail, there may be a glimmer of hope in America’s near future. A recent Supreme Court ruling rolled back decades of policies that forced a person’s skin pigment to be the ultimate deciding factor over merit and achievement. While economic conditions are declining and the attack of the American family is becoming more apparent and aggressive, maybe we can begin our return to being “colorblind,” joining forces and defeating the “men of power” who hungrily crave this relentless pursuit to control us all. United we stand, divided we fall.
Charles Stouff lives in Pequea and is a lifelong resident of Lancaster County. He is the owner of A+PC LLC, a computer services company and also serves as a township supervisor in Martic Township.