Over the weekend, Rolling Stone published an article entitled, “These Christian Nationalists Want to Stone Adulterers to Death.” The article came in response to Episode #57 of The Lancaster Patriot Podcast, wherein Luke Saint discussed his book, The Sound Doctrine of Theocracy. In this episode, Chris Hume offers a public invitation to Tim Dickinson to join the show to discuss Luke’s book, specifically the issue of stoning.
Audio available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts.
You fundamentalists couldn’t discern that Trump was an abuser despite his cheating and porn stars and many wives, yet you think you have the right to make whole communities complicit in murder? You can’t even expel the abusers from your churches! You would absolutely abuse power in choosing who to stone. You are bloodthirsty, evil men, and you will answer to God for that. To even contemplate this shows your depravity.
I understand the tendency to assume, but I have never supported Trump, nor have many other Christians. In fact, I wrote a book on why Trump (in addition to Biden, Obama, Romney, etc.) is unqualified for the role of civil magistrate.