Four Ways to Help:
1. Donate to Amos Miller’s farm operation (
2. Urge Russell Redding to Release Detention Order of Amos Miller’s Food (see below)
3. Call on Pennsylvania’s “conservative” leaders to stand against tyranny (see below)
4. Join Amos Miller’s Private Membership Association and Order Products That Are Not Currently Detained (
Amos Miller, an Amish farmer in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has repeatedly faced harassment and persecution from state and federal agencies because of his stance on food freedom. Miller’s customers voluntarily chose to join Miller’s private buying club where they have access to natural and raw products. They are aware of the “risks” of eating such foods and prefer natural food, rather than chemical-laden, commercially produced foods. However, the government of Pennsylvania refuses to allow Miller and his customers the freedom to buy and sell food – one of the most essential things in all of human life.
On Jan. 4, 2024, agents from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture raided Amos Miller’s farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, seized some of his property, and “detained” much of his products, essentially preventing Miller from continuing operations.
On January 11, 2024, state agents extended the detention order.
A notice affixed to a walk-in cooler door stated that the food in the cooler “has been detained by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture pursuant to Section 5726(a) of the Food Safety Act.” The notice states that the food “may be adulterated or misbranded and shall be detained.” The notice states that it is “unlawful to remove the food from the premises or to dispose of it without approval of the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.”
Russell Redding is the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. He can be contacted at (717) 787-4737 or 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Please contact Redding and respectfully urge him to stop the harassment of Miller. Below you will also find information to contact Pennsylvania representatives who can also urge Redding to act and keep Amos Miller in business.

Contact a Pennsylvania Legislator
Use this link to find your Pennsylvania legislator. If you do not live in Pennsylvania, consider contacting a representative in Lancaster County or simply contact Secretary Redding directly.
Contact two of Pennsylvania supposedly “conservative” leaders:
Rep. Dave Zimmerman (PA House): 717-556-0031
Sen. Doug Mastriano (PA Senate): 717-264-6100
You can also contact Amos Miller’s representatives:
Rep. Keith J. Greiner (PA House): 717-783-6422
Sen. Scott Martin (PA Senate): 717-787-6535
Here is a sample letter (personalize as desired) to send (or share over the phone) to Secretary Redding or a Pennsylvania legislator.
Introduce yourself and explain why food freedom matters to you.
Amos Miller, an Amish farmer in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has repeatedly faced harassment and persecution from state and federal agencies because of his stance on food freedom. Miller’s customers voluntarily chose to join Miller’s private buying club where they have access to natural and raw products. They are aware of the “risks” of eating such foods and prefer natural food, rather than chemical-laden, commercially produced foods. However, the government of Pennsylvania refuses to allow Miller and his customers the freedom to buy and sell food – one of the most essential things in all of human life. On Jan. 4, 2024, agents from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture raided Miller’s farm, seized some of his property, and “detained” much of his products, essentially suspending his business and putting his employees and associated farmers in jeopardy. A notice on one of Amos Miller’s walk-in coolers reveals that nearly all of Amos’ food has been placed under detention by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture.
Appeal to Secretary Redding or Pennsylvania Legislator
For Sec. Redding: Please immediately repeal the food detention order and allow Amos Miller to continue to serve his customers by selling natural, organic food without government intervention.
For Pa. Legislator: Please call on Secretary Russell Redding to immediately repeal the food detention order and allow Amos Miller to continue to serve his customers by selling natural, organic food without government intervention.
Please encourage others to contact Redding or Pennsylvania representatives as soon as possible.
For more information, including in-depth analysis of the principles of freedom behind the Amos Miller story, watch the videos below.
To learn more about the Amos Miller story, read the following articles from The Lancaster Patriot:
August 11, 2022: Miller’s Organic Farm: Fighting for Sustainability by Michael Yoder
August 12, 2022 (Editorial): The Nanny State Will Tell You What to Eat by Chris Hume
August 23, 2022: Amos Miller Seeks Compromise on Farm Case as Tucker Carlson Takes Up His Struggle by Michael Yoder
August 31, 2022: Donations for Amos Miller Pour in As Lawyers Seek a Compromise by Michael Yoder
September 7, 2022: Court Dismisses One Case in Amos Miller Saga as Another Proceeds by Michael Yoder
September 8, 2022 (Editorial): An Assault on Loving Neighbor: The Case of Amos Miller by Chris Hume
September 23, 2022: Amos Miller Adds Robert Barnes to Legal Team, Sept. 26 Hearing Postponed by Michael Yoder
October 6, 2022: Robert Barnes Cites Bodily Autonomy in Amos Miller Case, Says Case Could Go Before SCOTUS by Michael Yoder
October 7, 2022: Food Reporter Uncovers Listeria Claims on Miller’s Organic Farm by Michael Yoder
October 26, 2022: Amos Miller Hearing Postponed, Former Lawyer Withdraws by Michael Yoder
December 23, 2022: Amos Miller Reaches Deal in Second Consent Decree by Michael Yoder
January 4, 2024: State Employees Search Amos Miller Farm, Seize Property by The Lancaster Patriot Staff
January 15, 2024 (Editorial): Amos Miller, Statism, and Tyranny by Chris Hume
January 18, 2024: Zimmerman: Allowing Amos Miller to Break Regulations ‘Would Violate Our Justice System’ by The Lancaster Patriot Staff
January 20, 2024: State Demands Amos Miller Stop Selling Dairy Products by The Lancaster Patriot Staff
January 24, 2024: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Sues Amish Farmer Amos Miller by The Lancaster Patriot Staff
February 1, 2023 (Editorial): Why the Amish (and the English) Should Stand with Amos Miller by Chris Hume