“The Governor and all other civil officers shall be liable to impeachment for any misbehavior in office, but judgement in such cases shall not extend further than to removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of trust or profit under this Commonwealth. The person accused, whether convicted or acquitted, shall nevertheless be liable to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law.” So declares the Constitution of Pennsylvania, Article VI.
While conducting personal business on the common roads of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, causing neither harm to myself nor my neighbors, I was detained and fined for failing to follow various administrative codes regarding licensure and registration of my horseless carriage.
Naturally, having broken no divine law, no maxim of common law, and having caused no harm, I appealed these charges.
Unfortunately, Magisterial District Court Judge David P. Miller has failed to respond to my pleas and is thus enmeshing himself in the ungodly apparatus of tyranny that continues to fester in our land.
Therefore, as one of the People of the virtuous Pennsylvania commonwealth, I am calling for the immediate impeachment of Judge David P. Miller for the following misbehavior:
• Refusing to answer my Plea in Abatement for his unauthorized, irregular and defective Papers styled as: TRAFFIC CITATIONs E0286962-4; E0286963-5; & E0284711-0.
• Refusing to answer my Demand for a Redress of Grievances for his unauthorized, irregular and defective Papers styled as: TRAFFIC CITATIONs T9989231-0; & 9989230-6.
• Imposing an administrative Title 75 vehicle code to which I’ve not consented by licensure.
• Threatening me by demands to pay for Department of Transportation (DOT) bills for which I have no contract for their services (i.e., extortion).
• Having no affidavit of an injured party, which reduces him to a paper terrorist.
• Threatening me with an Arrest Warrant for not complying with his paper terrorism.
• Violating the checks and balances between the branches of government by consolidating his judicial power with the power of the executive.
• Acting as an executive officer, imposing the centralization of transport in the hands of the state through DOT regulations, administering the sixth plank of the Communist Manifesto.
• All of the above summed up as violations of Due Process of Law.
The judicial office of David P. Miller has demonstrated that he is not presiding over a court of substantial American justice but a court of man-made administrative law foreign to the compact between Americans and those elected from among them to protect their lives, liberties, and property. He refuses to act in honor consistent with the character of a justice of the King’s peace. Let the records show that for the above traffic citations, I, Hasan Barry Durmaz, have acted in honor by answering in written form the paper terrorism of professional accusers in the Manheim Police Department and Pennsylvania State Police.
Ignoring any reply to an Answer or Grievance is an act of dishonor. As such, the court of David P. Miller is not a court of integrity but infidelity. Yet, Judge Miller has voluntarily submitted himself to comply with the people’s law as delineated in Article VI of the Pennsylvania Constitution, which reads, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity.”
America’s founding Father of Christian education and scholarship, Noah Webster, bestowed to Americans the following illustrious governmental definition of fidelity in his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language: “Fidelity, n. 1. Faithfulness; careful and exact observance of duty, or performance of obligations. We expect fidelity in a public minister, in an agent or trustee, in a domestic servant, in a friend.”
Let the People know that David P. Miller is derelict in his duty to preside in careful and exact observance over controversies of true law and manufactured law. Between enforcing Public Law Title 75, and the People’s Supreme common law of the land and of this commonwealth in which his mischief is bound by the chains of our Constitution – undergirded by the People acknowledging God (“WE, the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance, do ordain and establish this Constitution”).
Let the People of Lancaster County be reminded that God the Supreme Lawgiver created We The People. The People created the Constitution. The Constitution created the Commonwealth and its various public offices. Neither God, nor the People, created the administrative Department of Transportation. Those legislative lawyers, upon whom our unseen King pronounces eternal doom in Luke 11:46 and 52, created the DOT in 1970, and it sits at the bottom of the hierarchy of jurisdiction in this commonwealth, not the top. David P. Miller supposes me in fear by ignoring all my paperwork rooted in law that never changes.
David P. Miller, a public officer in the delegated rights jurisdiction is subverting both the state and national Constitutions by imposing bills of an administrative agency on a private sector citizen, boldly living, boldly associating, and boldly working in the retained rights jurisdiction of the People.
David P. Miller’s actions and inactions opposing my right to self-govern for which this great commonwealth exists, is neither American nor Christian by both the letter and spirit of true law. His tactics are out of Karl Marx’s communistic playbook of obfuscation and manipulation.
To overcome his communistic tactics, the chains of the People’s Constitution further codify: “To guard against transgressions of the high powers which we have delegated, we declare that everything in this article (Article I; Bill of Rights) is excepted out of the general powers of government and shall forever remain inviolate” (PA Constitution; Art. I; Sec. 25). In other words, true law never changes.
And further still, David P. Miller, though he obviously has the power to encroach upon “…pursuing [my] own happiness” (Art. I, Sec. 1) and “…interfere with the rights of conscience…” (Art. I, Sec. 3), he has not the authority. Therefore, he is found to be in opposition to the very purpose of Pennsylvania: “Virtue, Liberty, and Independence” – the state’s motto.
The Pennsylvania Constitution states, “The House of Representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment” (Art. VI; Sec. 4). Therefore, I have made a formal complaint to my local state representative, Keith Greiner of the 43rd Legislative District. However, his staffer, after consulting with Representative Greiner, tells me that I need to make my complaint to the Judicial Conduct Board.
Patriots of Lancaster County and the Commonwealth: wonder no more why Pennsylvania is under socialist, Marxist, and communist strongholds. Men without the King’s virtue, preoccupied with their intellect and their animalistic feelings are devoid of virtue to comprehend the utterly plain English of the People’s chains to restrain public officers.
Herein do we suffer under an international crime syndicate posing as officers of the public trust. Nevertheless, the wisest and wealthiest of human rulers, King Solomon of ancient Israel, instructed his son in the cannon of divine law, “My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.” I do not consent to the evil of David P. Miller and now Keith Greiner – public officers delegating the discretion of their conscience to foreign agencies.
Representative Greiner is not re-presenting me to the House of Representatives as his constituent. But he certainly is re-presenting the socialistic demands of his and the people’s “legislative priorities.” He is displaying partiality by averting me to another agency foreign to our law. Freedom-loving Pennsylvanians ought to demand that Representative Greiner comply with the House’s sole power of impeachment, lest he also be subject to impeachment for his behavior unbecoming a public officer of the People.
Your family and my family are under attack by these communist disinformation campaigns. In the face of such evil, we must be American patriots of virtue ourselves. My family, under the direction of King Jesus Christ and His law of love and liberty, is advancing to displace and destroy every vestige of modern-day slavery in Lancaster County. And that includes the modern-day slavery of being forced to pay extortion money to the state in order to travel on the Commonwealth’s common roads.
Barry Durmaz is the first-born son of a Turkish immigrant father and a Scottish immigrant mother. The founder of www.LibertyIsTheLaw.us, Barry seeks to help men and their families exercise, promote, and defend true law in America—the liberty to experience the authentic American Dream of Christian self-government.
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